Noninvasive SMAS-lifting - radical rejuvenation without surgical scalpel. Beyond the age of youth!

What yesterday was impossible even to imagine is a reality today - non-invasive SMAS- lifting. The effect of transforming the appearance, reached by the Ulthera System is so radical that the technology for the first time in history received the approval of one of the most rigorous ”supervisory” authorities in the field of health care- American Association FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Agency) – in category "Lifting". With Ulthera System subdermal microsurgery received revolutionary possibility to conduct non-surgical face SMAS lifting. In this case the intervention is carried out precisely at the desired location, at the desired depth, with the necessary activity of the beam and is absolutely safe.

Ulthera терапия

Ulthera терапия

What is Ulthera SMAS-facelift?

Superficial muscular aponeurotic layer (SMAS- layer) is an anatomical structure, consisting of collagen and elastin fibers covering facial muscles. It is located directly below the subcutaneous adipose connective tissue and connects facial muscles with the dermis. SMAS layer performs support of soft tissues, protecting us from the gravitational aging (sagging skin). Over the years, when the level of SMAS weakens human skin becomes flabby and saggy, formed ugly wrinkles and folds. For effective skin lifting is necessary to act on the collagen fibers in the deep layers of the skin at the level of SMAS.

How does lifting Ulthera work?

The principle of operation is the impact on skin with a focused ultrasonic pulses, which increases the temperature in the zone of imact, and collagen and elastin fibers that connect the muscle layer to the surface of the skin, is shortened and narrowed, and thus raising SMAS layer that supports all the soft tissues of the face. Focused ultrasonic wave passes through the skin and subcutaneous adipose connective tissue, without damaging them, and provides immediate lifting of facial contours as after surgery. The thermocoagulation causes a compaction of stretched with age collagen fibers and provides lifting all layers of the soft tissues of the face and after 3-4 months required for the formation of new collagen matrix, SMAS facelift reaches its maximum.

Лифтинг в Бургас

Лифтинг Ulthera Бургас

Why choose lifting Ulthera?

Focused ultrasound beam of the Ulthera system, like a surgeon's scalpel, moves deeper layers, modulating a perfect facial contour and provides lifting muscles, in any type of aging.

What are the unique benefits of lifting Ulthera?

  • Highly effective non-invasive lifting
  • The depth of the impact and lasting effect
  • Radical rejuvenation
  • Reliability and accuracy of the procedure

For whom is recommended Ulthera System?

SMAS-lifting Ulthera recommended for both women and men at any age with the most outward signs of aging, resulting from loss of tone of skin and muscle structure of the face.

What we are seeing after the procedure?

The procedure is done only once, and the result can be stored for a long time. On the day of the procedure is not necessary to break away from the social life, immediately after the procedure you can return to normal activities. The procedure takes only 40-60 minutes. During the procedure at the time of radiation of energy you can feel momentary discomfort but generally the procedure is painless. After the procedure you may notice a little redness that disappears after 1-2 hours, mild edema that passes usually within 48 hours.

Because the tissues need time for the formation of new collagen fibers, the effect of the procedure will increase over 4-6 months! You will see results in improving skin every day!

Cost of the procedure depends entirely on the specific aesthetic case – on your desire for correction, size of the area for processing and the required number of pulses. You may book an individual consultation with our dermatologist to get a complete picture of the possibilities and cost of your procedure.